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商品名稱: SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 rev650

商品分類: 掃描、PDF、辦公文書工具

商品類型: Office 辦公套件軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-12-24






量也只有百兆而已。 SoftMaker Office提供了文書處理、試算表、簡報和與VBA相容的script


SoftMaker Office 專業版套件包括:

● TextMaker:多種語言拼寫檢查,圖形嵌入,角注,帶計算功能表格,跟蹤修改,氣球式


● PlanMaker:超過330種計算功能,支援複數和數組計算。可顯示microsoft excel 生成的


● Presentations: 繪圖,圖片,預定義圖形,圖案,色階。支援Powerpoint所有的變換和


● eM Client:用於發送和接收電子郵件,管理日曆,聯繫人和任務電子郵件用戶端。

選擇SoftMaker Office作為您的辦公套件,你將獲得更短的時間所做的工作,有更好的結果。

SoftMaker Office已完全相容微軟Word,Excel和PowerPoint文件無縫讀寫,而成本只有微軟


SoftMaker Office 是一個強大、高效,且容易使用的辦公軟體,它可以同時滿足個人用


服力,用多媒體幻燈片抓住觀眾的注意力。軟體能夠流暢地和 Office2007、Office2010、

OpenOffice 有著超強的相容性。它可以準確的讀取和寫入各種辦公文件。您甚至可以將程式的

默認文檔類型設為 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 文件。


套件。SoftMaker Office幾乎具備了一套辦公軟體所應有的全部特性。



SoftMaker Office 是一套包括Word、電子錶、演示、宏等功能的集成辦公套件,號稱可以媲美

Microsoft Office。SoftMaker Office幾乎具備了一套辦公軟體所應有的全部特性,無需轉換

即可任意編輯和保存Microsoft Word,、Excel和PowerPoint 文件,並保有原文件的格式、功能


雖然SoftMaker Office 總體上不如MS Office那樣大而全,但是卻能相容使用它的文件(DOC、

XLS、PPT等)。而且因為元件少、占資源少,SoftMaker Office 運行的速度很快。SoftMaker

Office 硬體需求很低,即使在上網本上依然表現優越。另外,SoftMaker Office 還有一個優越

之處,那就是可以直接安裝在U盤上,這樣你就可以隨時隨地地使用SoftMaker Office了。


TextMaker— 可信賴和友好的文集編輯器,毫不費力地讀寫微軟word文檔,相當於Microsoft word

PlanMaker—完全相容 Excel 的試算表編輯器,讓你創建最詳細的工作試算表,相當於Microsoft excel

Presentations—演示文稿圖形程式,創作出比微軟 PowerPoint 更美觀的演示,相當於Microsoft power point


Choose SoftMaker Office 2012 as your office suite, and you

will get the job done in less time and with better results.

SoftMaker Office reads and writes Microsoft Word, Excel, and

PowerPoint files seamlessly ?and costs only a fraction of

Microsoft Office.

Everything speaks for SoftMaker Office 2012:

Powerful: Sophisticated office software for business and home

users alike.

Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word, Excel, and

PowerPoint files seamlessly.

Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out.

Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises.

SoftMaker Office 2012 comes with the following applications:

TextMaker 2012, the reliable and friendly word processor that

reads and writes Microsoft Word files without a hitch.

PlanMaker 2012, the fully Excel-compatible spreadsheet that

lets you create the most elaborate worksheets.

SoftMaker Presentations 2012, the presentation graphics

program that simply creates better-looking presentations than

Microsoft PowerPoint.

BasicMaker 2012, scripting language and environment that lets

you automate recurring tasks.

All programs are a perfect match. They not only provide

consistent menu and dialog box arrangements, but can also

exchange data smoothly with each other.

Nobody likes to wait. You should not put up with slow office

software ?period! SoftMaker Office starts lightning fast,

works lightning fast and calculates lightning fast. While the

competition still tallies up the figures, your document is

already done! But SoftMaker Office is not only fast: it also

has minimal hardware requirements. SoftMaker Office cuts a

fine figure even on netbooks. You can also install SoftMaker

Office 2012 on a USB stick. That way, you always have your

office suite with you, ready for use.

For an office suite to be useful, it must be compatible with

Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint ?both with the older

file formats DOC, XLS, and PPT and the new formats DOCX,XLSX,

and PPTX that have been introduced with Microsoft Office 2007

and 2010. SoftMaker Office 2012 passes this test with flying

colors:it reads and writes not only the old Microsoft formats

seamlessly, but does the same precise job with DOCX,XLSX, and

PPTX files, too. You won't find any other office suite that

renders Microsoft Office files as faithfully as SoftMaker

Office 2012.


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